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North Side Kings – Suburban Royalty

North Side Kings – Suburban Royalty

Danny MarianinoJun 14, 20073 min read

Suburban Royalty The name North Side Kings came from a pun about living in Scottsdale which is the nicest neighborhood in Phoenix. We were basically the Kings of Arizona’s Beverly Hills. Also, it came from our friend, Tyler King, who…

North Side Kings – Organizing Our Neighborhood

North Side Kings – Organizing Our Neighborhood

Danny MarianinoJun 14, 20072 min read

Organizing Our Neighborhood We were looking for a drummer again when it came to writing Organizing our Neighborhood. Greg was too busy and we played with four different guys, until I talked Richie who had been playing bass, into playing…

North Side Kings – A Family Affair

North Side Kings – A Family Affair

Danny MarianinoJun 14, 20073 min read

A Family Affair The title was meant to be “Another Family Affair” but it somehow got messed up and when Jake Bannon finished the layout on this record as well, I just left it. By the time we started writing…