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The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch

The Great American Cereal Book: How Breakfast Got Its Crunch

Danny MarianinoDec 2, 20142 min read

For a book to grab my attention these days it’s going to be something unique. I seem to still have an affinity for everything from my childhood and The Great American Cereal Book is the perfect example of a book…

Save the Goondocks!

Save the Goondocks!

Danny MarianinoNov 30, 20141 min read

Next year Goonies celebrates it’s 30th Anniversary. If these kids were a product of today’s life and times, they would not have gone on an adventure ton find One Eyed Willie. They would have no doubt just started a Kickstarter…


Arnold Schwarzenegger Kill Count

Danny MarianinoNov 28, 20141 min read

This is pretty rad. I can just watch these video’s over and over. Hope you enjoy as much as I did!